
Oqin hands out cookies when you visit Sorry, no ladyfingers, biscuits, or filled cookies to spoil your appetite. Just small (temporary) text files for your PC.

Thanks to cookies, you don't have to enter or download the same information every time you come back to us. Pretty convenient! Moreover, they help us understand how you use our website and how we can improve things to be more user-friendly. It must be said: we also use them for marketing purposes.

In addition, we use JavaScript. This allows us to do nice things, sometimes in combination with cookies and (web) beacons. Like remembering your shopping cart or showing your previously viewed products.

Accept Cookies If you want to use our website in its full glory, it's necessary to accept our cookies. Fortunately, that's very easy.

Your cookie settings Of course, we handle the data we collect from you with care. You can indicate what we may track by choosing the Standard or Personal cookie package. Below are the possible options we can offer you in the cookie area:

  • Accept cookies
  • Do not accept cookies
  • Accept functional cookies